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  • Jason Kiesau


Looks like we are going to start with 10 - 15 fourth and fifth grade boys. We will do an info session for families, mentors and anyone else who has interest on Monday, September 26th from 6 - 6:30 PM and we will start our first session on Monday, October 3rd.

Moving forward, we will start with one session per week on Monday's after school from 4 - 5:30PM.

During each session, the boys will experience:

- Free Play and Competition - Five Minutes of Mindfulness - Guest Speakers - Purpose Exploration and Goal Setting - Reading and Writing Support - RESPECT-ABLE Weekly Challenges

When the boys arrive at 4PM they will have 20-25 minutes of free play with each other or with mentors. Shortly after, we will slow them down with five minutes of mindfulness, followed by guest speakers. The remaining time will be working with mentors to talk about their week and set some goals. We will end each session with the RESPECT-ABLE weekly challenge where we challenge them to do one thing throughout the week that contributes to others and that helps them learn how to get attention productively and ultimately earn respect. One week it might be holding doors open for people and another week, asking people how their days are going.

For this to be successful, we need a team of mentors and volunteers that are willing to give up 90 - 120 minutes each week to mentor these young men, as well as guest speakers that are willing to come in and talk for 20 - 30 minutes to share stories of successes, failures and lessons.

My contact information is below if you are willing to be a mentor or a guest speaker. If you need more information, please visit

This is where the whole "it takes a village" comes in to play. This only works if we have people willing to participate.

And, MEN... I especially challenge you to consider this.

Special thanks to Urbandale Community Action Network (UCAN) for their partnership and support in making this happen.

It takes a village!

Let me know if you have any questions!

Jason Kiesau 515.559.4216

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