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RESPECT-ABLE Boys Become Respectable Men

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RESPECT-ABLE is a leadership group for boys and young men, offered through UCAN, the Urbandale Community Action Network.

Our Purpose:


To teach boys and young men to respect themselves, respect others and earn respect.


To support them in being confident and successful students, team members and leaders who grow to become confident and successful citizens, partners, fathers and professionals.


To help them develop into responsible men who make positive contributions to the world around them.


We will accomplish this by helping our boys:

  • Prioritize self-respect, respect for others and earning respect

  • Develop their emotional and social intelligence

  • Create trusting relationships with productive men

  • Strengthen their reading and writing skills

  • Explore their sense of personal responsibility and purpose


If you would be like to enhance your purpose by supporting ours, please complete the form at the bottom of this page and tell us how you would like
to be involved!

 Men, We Need You! 

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